During a midnight prayer: In the middle of the night was praying for all the child trafficking and torture of children including abortion that has been done by evil powers and principalities allowed in because they are not under the umbrella of peace and grace of Christ. Heard muffled cries of children in tunnels. Believe […]
Archive | Abundance
Written document: 1. The Bible […]
Purge, Refine, Purify,
Being sifted America – dross (Ps. 119:119) coming to the top and being sifted of the wicked, evil and corruption. Wash, clean, repair, and restore the shine of My glory in you. Leviathan and scoundrels have been in authority trying to demolish, oppress, and eat up Me, My people and My goodness as if it […]
Bruised and Blue: Election 2020
Living in a Blue & Bruised State in the Decision for 2020 American Election. Jesus, Truth, Freedom.
Seattle violence & God’s Response – A Modern Day Psalm
Unease with Seattle Violence Unease with Seattle violence. Also with the complicit nature of the local authority being lock step with the violence. The Media also complicit with the lawless authority. No one calling for justice to represent the righteous ones in the land. BUT GOD. We need You Lord to intervene in men’s affairs […]
My Bride Awaits!
My Bride Awaits! Rest Assured, I AM Coming to sweep you off your feet in Rapture! Restore all to perfection once again in the Garden. Grand Reunion! Plan on it! Set your clock it! Your time has come to Shine! Prepare My Bride. Brush your teeth and smooth your hair for Your Prince of Peace […]
Encouraged to share this word: Have been encouraged by the Lord to write down that which He has given me as it may be of some help to explain this season we are currently living. Although this message came in early December, seems to have more significance today and releasing it may help others in […]
Spirit Splash of Praise, Prayer and Assurance
PRAISE Lord, I give You Praise, Thanksgiving, Honor, and Glory as I extol You. Thank You Jesus for Your shed blood and grace poured out at the cross for me. Thank You for being with me every moment of every day thru the thick and thin of life on earth. Thank You for guarding […]
JESUS CARRIES OUR WOE Jesus we haul up our burlap bag of cares to Your altar and thank You for carrying our bag of woe today and everyday! In Your hands all things are turned for our good and Your glory (Rom. 8:28) even and/or much more so in these evil days. (Eph. 5:16) JESUS […]

Have you Heard?
Have You Not Heard? Isaiah 40:21 (NKJ) Have you not known Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out […]