During a midnight prayer: In the middle of the night was praying for all the child trafficking and torture of children including abortion that has been done by evil powers and principalities allowed in because they are not under the umbrella of peace and grace of Christ. Heard muffled cries of children in tunnels. Believe […]
Archive | Covenant
Purge, Refine, Purify,
Being sifted America – dross (Ps. 119:119) coming to the top and being sifted of the wicked, evil and corruption. Wash, clean, repair, and restore the shine of My glory in you. Leviathan and scoundrels have been in authority trying to demolish, oppress, and eat up Me, My people and My goodness as if it […]
Victory Prayer – Spirit Splash
Lord Jesus, scramble the enemy camp(powers and principalities) and cause them to turn on each other who have oppressed the BELOVED in this land. Strike them on the head and scatter them. Swallow up their evil schemes against the BELOVED and bring forth Your pure undefiled righteousness and justice. In Your perfect PROVIDENCE, turn […]
Let go of the OLD so can grab hold of the NEW Thing in a BEHOLD MOMENT!
Encouraged to share this word: Have been encouraged by the Lord to write down that which He has given me as it may be of some help to explain this season we are currently living. Although this message came in early December, seems to have more significance today and releasing it may help others in […]
What I heard….I give to you! Prepare the Way, Make Ready! Spread and scatter the seed of My Kingdom. I AM is with you always and to the end of the age. Be not Afraid! For I AM is with you – Emmanuel! Dance and sing for your time has come to see me […]

Have you Heard?
Have You Not Heard? Isaiah 40:21 (NKJ) Have you not known Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out […]
WALK YOUR JOURNEY WITH GOD… Anyone who turns away from you is turning from Me (John 7:7). Do not fret or worry for this only causes you more pain(Psalm 37:8-9). Resist the evil of frustrations which masquerade as a lack of trust in Me to Father and disciple My children in each of their […]

Inauguration 2017 Thoughts and Prayers
Inauguration Day 2017 is the transfer of power from one man Obama to another man Trump. The Source of Power The source of power, however, is unchanging, unending, fully trustworthy and centered in all Truth, Righteousness and Justice. The foundation of our hope and faith rests on our Eternal and Unchanging God Who watches over […]
Forgiven and Robed in Righteousness!
Who I Am in Christ: God’s reminding me today of who I am in Christ and I wanted to share it with you! Isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in My God; For He has clothed me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself […]