Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 HIS PRESENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY Lord, this morning I come to You – to hear Your voice (Zeph. 1:6; Isaiah 40:21-23;Psalm 46:10-11). To listen and absorb the peace that comes from Your presence (Phil.4:6-7). […]
Archive | Christian
Spirit Splash of Praise, Prayer and Assurance
PRAISE Lord, I give You Praise, Thanksgiving, Honor, and Glory as I extol You. Thank You Jesus for Your shed blood and grace poured out at the cross for me. Thank You for being with me every moment of every day thru the thick and thin of life on earth. Thank You for guarding […]
What I heard….I give to you! Prepare the Way, Make Ready! Spread and scatter the seed of My Kingdom. I AM is with you always and to the end of the age. Be not Afraid! For I AM is with you – Emmanuel! Dance and sing for your time has come to see me […]
JESUS CARRIES OUR WOE Jesus we haul up our burlap bag of cares to Your altar and thank You for carrying our bag of woe today and everyday! In Your hands all things are turned for our good and Your glory (Rom. 8:28) even and/or much more so in these evil days. (Eph. 5:16) JESUS […]

Have you Heard?
Have You Not Heard? Isaiah 40:21 (NKJ) Have you not known Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out […]
WALK YOUR JOURNEY WITH GOD… Anyone who turns away from you is turning from Me (John 7:7). Do not fret or worry for this only causes you more pain(Psalm 37:8-9). Resist the evil of frustrations which masquerade as a lack of trust in Me to Father and disciple My children in each of their […]

Inauguration 2017 Thoughts and Prayers
Inauguration Day 2017 is the transfer of power from one man Obama to another man Trump. The Source of Power The source of power, however, is unchanging, unending, fully trustworthy and centered in all Truth, Righteousness and Justice. The foundation of our hope and faith rests on our Eternal and Unchanging God Who watches over […]
Forgiven and Robed in Righteousness!
Who I Am in Christ: God’s reminding me today of who I am in Christ and I wanted to share it with you! Isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in My God; For He has clothed me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself […]
Celebrating Birth and Everlasting Life at Christmas!
REMEMBERING…. Dedicating this to all those who are missing loved ones this year! May seem like an odd theme at Christmas time to consider birth as well as death, but it is at this time of year we remember ….. We remember Christmas’s past, loved ones and times that have come before. What is your […]
Election 2016
To not vote is not biblical (Matt 22:21). It is cowardice. Spend time with the Lord and search your conscience. Maybe this is an opportunity to self -examine and to inquire of the Lord that which He sees of the political environment rather than relying on your own understanding and vision. (Prov. 3:5-6). This is […]