WALK YOUR JOURNEY WITH GOD… Anyone who turns away from you is turning from Me (John 7:7). Do not fret or worry for this only causes you more pain(Psalm 37:8-9). Resist the evil of frustrations which masquerade as a lack of trust in Me to Father and disciple My children in each of their […]
Archive | Abundance
Forgiven and Robed in Righteousness!
Who I Am in Christ: God’s reminding me today of who I am in Christ and I wanted to share it with you! Isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in My God; For He has clothed me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself […]
Celebrating Birth and Everlasting Life at Christmas!
REMEMBERING…. Dedicating this to all those who are missing loved ones this year! May seem like an odd theme at Christmas time to consider birth as well as death, but it is at this time of year we remember ….. We remember Christmas’s past, loved ones and times that have come before. What is your […]
SPIRIT SPLASH – Re-positioning!
Isaiah 55:4 NLT See how I used him to display my power among the peoples. I made him a leader among the nations. NKJ Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people, A leader and commander for the people Saw this word and it began to speak to me on several […]
Colossians 3:1-4 (AMP) Therefore if you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, sharing in His resurrection from the dead], keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on […]
SPIRIT SPLASH – You are Mine and I AM Yours!
YOUR LIFE HIDDEN IN CHRIST! Your life is hidden in Christ (Col. 3:3) under His protective wings (Psalm 91:4). I Am is the author and finisher of your faith Hebrews 12:2). Trust Me in the suddenlies, when life takes a shift and a turn abruptly. I will not let you go! I will not […]

YOU ARE MY GLORIOUS TABERNACLE! You are my glorious tabernacle in the midst of a dirty and perverse season and generation (Acts 2:40) Do not allow your gold to become dim (Lam. 4:1-2) with the wrong thinking of the polluted world’s mouth. Know who you are in Me and shine, bright as the city on a […]
Is the Father calling you?
Are you caught up in the spirit of religion? What do I mean by that? Are the rules and regulations of God’s Law, the Ten Commandments just too far out to even contemplate or comprehend in this day and age? It is completely understandable! Did you know that the Ten Commandments were given to man […]
Jesus is the Bread of Life! Believing on and in Him, on the finished work at the cross is sustenance for the mind, body, soul and spirit! Is your mind, body, soul or spirit hungry or thirsty? Feed on the Bread of Life who is Jesus. John 6:35 And Jesus said to them, “I am […]
For Unto Us a Child is Born
Isaiah 9:6-7 (NKJ) For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given: And the government will be upon His shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful, counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, Upon the throne […]